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Danijah said about Matty B Raps
I no it to back off bitch Posted over a year ago
9182351483 commented…
was that to matty and if it was then quit not being rude over a year ago
juliet5151 commented…
who ever put thums up this is serious they are fightingover matty. over a year ago
Danijah said about Matty B Raps
Mattyb what do you like in girls😉😉😉😉😉😉😉 Posted over a year ago
juliet5151 commented…
he already has a girlfriend over a year ago
Danijah said about Matty B Raps
Matty Mom is your Facebook friend Posted over a year ago
Danijah said about Matty B Raps
Matty I don't like you cause your cute I like you because you make good video I rot a song and may be we can sing to bother🙏🙏🙏🙏💑💑💑😁😁😁😁😁😁😮😮😮😮😮😮 Posted over a year ago